CAPEC Related Weakness
Use of Known Kerberos Credentials
CWE-262 Not Using Password Aging
CWE-263 Password Aging with Long Expiration
CWE-294 Authentication Bypass by Capture-replay
CWE-307 Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts
CWE-308 Use of Single-factor Authentication
CWE-309 Use of Password System for Primary Authentication
CWE-522 Insufficiently Protected Credentials
CWE-654 Reliance on a Single Factor in a Security Decision
CWE-836 Use of Password Hash Instead of Password for Authentication
Use of Captured Hashes (Pass The Hash)
CWE-294 Authentication Bypass by Capture-replay
CWE-308 Use of Single-factor Authentication
CWE-308 Use of Single-factor Authentication
CWE-522 Insufficiently Protected Credentials
CWE-836 Use of Password Hash Instead of Password for Authentication